
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

vadis faces catalogue 3

yo, dude from phillipines who sent this face thing in the guestbook and all of you skinmakers out there, can u pls send me the faces separately (full size) to my email vadisworld-at-yahoo-dot-com or simply gimme a link to your site? skins also. gotta spread 'em to the americans who play splashfighters. thx in advance - bj vadis

Jin Kazama - Tekken III

FireHeart - Adler with red hair (

Adilaga - Cakra by vadis

Sportacus - Lazy Town - Nickelodeon

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Getamped Fan Site in Facebook!

Andry Chang
10:22am Sep 18th
Getamped Fan Site in Facebook!
Company Overview:
GetAmped is an online fighting game made by CyberStep, Korea. It's also known as Splash Fighters in North America.

Its versatile fighting skills, addictive gameplay and the unlimited customization enables the players to edit the "skins" of their characters and be practically anyone they want, including movie stars, anime heroes, celebrities, things even their own figure!

Visit the official GetAmped site in
To introduce and spread GetAmped / Splash Fighters game to America and Europe, and the rest of the world.
To make the whole world play GetAmped Online Fighting Game, promoting as the skin source.
GetAmped / Splash Fighters FREE Skin Site

Visit the websites to download GetAmped / Splash Fighters game software / patch in your respective countries.

Andry has shared a Page with you. To view the Page or to reply to the message, follow this link:

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins

fhbook1cover-350x503 Pictures, Images and Photos

FireHeart - Legend of the Paladins
by Andry Chang

Book One: The Bounty Hunters

A novel I made, inspired by various online games
including GetAmped.
Published in Indonesian Language (print version)

English language: spoilers in

Can't Beat Air Man - エアーマンが倒せない M/V


Getamped - Snake Fighting

Sunday, September 07, 2008

GetAmped Faces Gallery by vadis 02

Alex Wong (perfect positioning)

Cool gentleman - default

Anime Cutie Pie

Felix Wong's face

Hermione / Ragnarok Iris' face

Thin Eyebrows Alex Wong's face

Alex Wong's face plus hair

Amiga Shiro's face plus hair

Adult Parn from Lodoss

Thierry Henry Comical / Black man with hair

More and more faces from the skins I've ever made... - BJ Vadis

GetAmped Faces Gallery by vadis 01

Gollum from Lord of the Rings

The Grinch who stole Christmas


Kenshin Himura (Samurai X) face

vadis' default face (1st Version)

Aeris' face / Ron Weasley's comic face

Alexis' face (first version)

Anime Hero face

Black handsome man

A collection of GetAmped faces originally made by me - vadis. Use this for your custom GetAmped skins.

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