
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Audi Skin Links 02

Right-o! Here's a shortcut to GetAmped - Audition Skins (Audi Skins) links in

as described by OctoberFlames in Playpark GetAmped SEA forums.

Lemme record 'em in my blog here.

Disclaimer: None of these skins are made by me.

If I happen to make one, I'll claim it as made by BJ Vadis (or me).

Here are the links:
Link 1:

Link 2:

Link 3: Silver hair boy kungfu style

Link 4:

Link 5:

Link 6:

Link 7:

Link 8:

Link 9:

Link 10: (Recommended!)

Link 11:

Link 12:

Link 13:

Link 14:

Link 15:
Other Popular Skins
Naruto Skins:


Second Hokage:

Bleach Skins:
Uryu Ishida : Quincy Final Form
Mind you, change the filename of *.skin you've downloaded into English.
Maybe I'll change 'em and reload 'em for you if I have time.

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