
Friday, June 26, 2009

The Fifth Getamped Indonesia Combo Team Movie
the maker is the crazy poopface hehehe,,,

GetAmped Ultimate Combo 2

The Legion guild is back at it again with some extremely gay combos.

Gears used:
1. Crab claw
2. Storm fan
3. Blade Cloth
4. Phoenix Device
5. Devil Bomb

Join our forums to join our next amazing combo video at:

Getamped - Combo Berserker Mask 26 HiT !!

Getamped Thailand

Getamped combo dragonclaw

Combo Acc dragon claw


by Wor @ Ro$y'z ^ ^

Getamped Thailand

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some Skins I've Improved...

bj vadis: well, as i've spent the last few months building my own game, i had few time to make getamped skins. so the least thing I did was to repair and improve the old skins, and here are some of them:

Kaka AC Milan version 2
Well, since he got transferred to Real Madrid...
Download from:

Jim Carrey Ace Ventura the Pet Detective version 2
Download from:

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